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Team Grissom kicks off holiday donation drive

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Courtney Dotson-Essett
  • 434th ARW Public Affairs

Grissom’s Airman and Family Readiness Center is accepting donations for its annual food drive until the Saturday of the November unit training assembly.

Donation boxes will be in every building throughout the base.

 Non-perishable canned or boxed foods are the primary goal however, monetary donations are also welcomed.

“We try to essentially create a whole meal,” said Stacey Pennington, 434th Air Refueling Wing A&FRC program manager.  “Monetary donations can help supplement or fill in the gaps with the non-perishable items donated for food boxes.”

For example, Pennington said, if there is a large amount of pasta donated, monetary donations can help purchase pasta sauce to make a meal.

The names of Airmen whose families could benefit from the annual Angel Tree gift donations are also being accepted.

 Anyone knowing of Grissom Airmen that might be in need of assistance during the holiday season should submit names to the A&FRC.

Pennington said that all names should be submitted no later than November 7.

Airmen can also submit their own names for assistance.

Angel Tree gifts and food donations will be distributed to Airmen during the primary December UTA.

For more information call A&FRC at 765-688-4812.

The 434th ARW is the largest KC-135R Stratotanker unit in the Air Force Reserve Command. The Citizen Airmen from the Hoosier Wing routinely deploy around the world in support of the Air Force mission.

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Public Affairs Staff

Material contained on the Official Grissom Air Reserve Base Internet Web Site is written and produced by members of the 434th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office. The award-winning staff includes:

Douglas Hays
Chief, public affairs

Maj. Elias Zani
Public affairs officer

Josh Weaver
Public affairs operations chief

Master Sgt. Josh Weaver
NCOIC of public affairs

Master Sgt. Rachel Barton
Staff writer

Tech. Sgt. Alexa Culbert
Staff writer

Senior Airman Alexis Morris
Staff writer

Senior Airman Elise Faurote
Staff writer