Welcome to the Official Public Internet Web Site of the Grissom Air Reserve Base Legal Office.
Monday – Friday, the legal office provides advice on contract, environmental, and labor law relating to the mission of the 434th Air Refueling Wing. Notary services, powers of attorneys, ethics advice, Article 137 briefings, and legal assistance are provided to eligible members, based upon availability of staff. Direct questions to (765) 688-2190.
During primary Unit Training Assemblies (UTAs), the legal office provides advice relating to military justice, adverse administrative actions, and operations law. Notary services and powers of attorneys are on a walk-in basis. All other legal services are by appointment only. Please call (765) 688-2191 or DSN 388-2191 to schedule an appointment after you have received a ticket number from the legal assistance website (listed below). Note: Scheduled appointments and military members who are deploying will be given priority for legal assistance. This schedule is subject to change or cancellation as office conflicts arise. There is no walk-in hours on Fridays and on the Alternate UTAs. Primary UTA Walk-In Service Hours: Saturday, 1330 – 1530; Sunday, 0900 – 1100. You can also find valuable Air Force Legal Assistance information on a wide range of topics at: https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil