News Search

  • Grissom IG inspection team earn individual, unit awards

    The 434th Air Refueling Wing Inspector General inspection team cleaned up during the 2020 Air Force Reserve Command IG Awards. Out of seven categories, the Grissom Team walked away with three wins, including two individual awards and one unit award.

  • Updates to EPME offer flexibility for Grissom Airmen

    The Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education is releasing a new distance learning version of the Airman Leadership School course, ALS DLC 2.0, scheduled for Nov. 30, 2020, due to the success of the Non-Commissioned Officer DLC 2.0 released in July 2020.Updates to the Enlisted Professional

  • Dickerson becomes new AMXS commander

    Maj. Matthew Dickerson assumed command of the 434th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron in a ceremony held at Grissom Air Reserve Base, October 4, 2020.

  • Grissom finishes first tanker refurb in almost a decade

    The 434th Maintenance Squadron recently finished refurbishing one of Grissom’s KC-135R Stratotankers, a 30-day process which involves completely disassembling the interior aircraft, performing restoration tasks on the parts, and rebuilding it.

  • 72nd ARS changes command

    The 72nd Air Refueling Squadron held a change of command ceremony at Gus Grissom Hall on Grissom Air Reserve Base, Indiana, Sept. 12.

  • Grissom vice commander completes farewell flight

    In a flash and dash of fire bottles, squirt guns, adult beverages and laughter, Grissom said goodbye to its vice commander.Col. Anne Noel landed at Grissom Air Reserve Base in a 434th Air Refueling Wing KC-135R Stratotanker for the last time, during her “fini” flight Aug. 12.A “fini” flight is a

  • AFIMSC seeks ideas for 2021 Innovation Rodeo

    The campaign, open through Dec. 1, gives military and civilian members of mission support groups around the world a chance to win part of $1 million in funding and resources to pursue their ideas.

  • Marines return to in-person drilling

    Practice can make perfect, but what happens when practice is no longer an option amid a pandemic that has forced in-person training to be nearly impossible?You have to start over and re-learn old, and new equipment.After months of virtual unit training assemblies the Marines from Detachment 1

Public Affairs Staff

Material contained on the Official Grissom Air Reserve Base Internet Web Site is written and produced by members of the 434th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office. The award-winning staff includes:

Douglas Hays
Chief, public affairs

Maj. Elias Zani
Public affairs officer

Josh Weaver
Public affairs operations chief

Master Sgt. Josh Weaver
NCOIC of public affairs

Master Sgt. Rachel Barton
Staff writer

Tech. Sgt. Alexa Culbert
Staff writer

Senior Airman Alexis Morris
Staff writer

Senior Airman Elise Faurote
Staff writer