News Search

  • Commander addresses Reserve Mobility capabilities at A/TA 2020

    Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, chief of the Air Force Reserve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, highlighted Total Force integration, the Reserve’s rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Reserve’s unique weather reconnaissance, aerial spray and aerial firefighting missions during the

  • New bivouac creates realistic training environment

    Turning an empty patch of ground into a functional, operating base doesn’t happen in a day, unless you’re a highly trained civil engineer. Airmen from the 434th Civil Engineer Squadron recently put that training to the test, setting up a bare base with 24 tents, in roughly 10 hours.

  • Social Security payroll tax temporarily defered

    In order to provide relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, a Presidential Memorandum was issued on August 8, 2020 and guidance followed from Internal Revenue Service on August 28, 2020, to temporarily defer Social Security (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI)) tax withholdings. This

  • Team Grissom assists Royal Air Force with securing cargo

    The Royal Air Force visited Grissom Air Reserve Base, Indiana to train with the 49th Aerial Port Squadron in building cargo pallets Aug. 26.Grissom’s 49th Aerial Port Squadron assisted with building and ensured the pallets were ready for the aircraft.

Public Affairs Staff

Material contained on the Official Grissom Air Reserve Base Internet Web Site is written and produced by members of the 434th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office. The award-winning staff includes:

Douglas Hays
Chief, public affairs

Maj. Elias Zani
Public affairs officer

Josh Weaver
Public affairs operations chief

Master Sgt. Josh Weaver
NCOIC of public affairs

Master Sgt. Rachel Barton
Staff writer

Tech. Sgt. Alexa Culbert
Staff writer

Senior Airman Alexis Morris
Staff writer

Senior Airman Elise Faurote
Staff writer