Grissom wishes everyone a safe and happy Veterans Day

  • Published
  • 434th Air Refueling Wing

Veterans Day is an extra special day for Grissom, not only because Grissom is an Air Force Base but because almost all of our non-military staff is comprised of veterans, many of whom served here.

In honor of all those who have served, domestically and abroad, in all branches of the military Grissom wishes everyone a safe and happy Veteran's Day.

Veterans Day began shortly after the end of World War I as Armistice Day. Over time the name changed as did what was being celebrated. Instead of celebrating the end of one war it became a day to celebrate all those who serve and have served the United States.

Veterans exist in all walks of life and have served in many capacities. Some have served without ever leaving the country, others have made the greatest sacrifice, but all of veterans made the choice to serve and they should all be celebrated for that.

Being a veteran means something different to each person who served but no matter what their job might have been or where they served all veterans share one thing, the pride that comes with their uniform.

The 434th ARW is the largest KC-135R Stratotanker unit in the Air Force Reserve Command. Men and women from the Hoosier Wing routinely deploy around the world in support of the Air Force mission.

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