A message from the Vice

  • Published
  • By Col. Anne Noel

With most states being under strict social distancing guidelines and our economy dealing with the loss of business it is important for us to pause and appreciate what we do have.

We need to find the best approach to live under the pressures we are all under.

For Airmen at Grissom, that changing consistency included the April unit training assembly moving to July to make a super UTA.

We do not know how the May UTA will look.  We want Airmen to get training, so we are studying the possibility of a virtual UTA.

We know that many are struggling, and we are trying to find solutions. More information will be provided as we receive it. Please know that you are needed and are important.

I wanted take a moment to address fear. What we are going through is hard. 

If you think about it, until recently, more time was spent with work family then with your own. That has changed.

Many are trying to manage kids’ schooling, telework, dealing with technology challenges, or may have even endured the loss of a job.

Everyone is stressed. You may have been the recipient of someone “snapping” at you or maybe you “snapped” at a loved one or coworker. 

Don’t take it personal. Now is the time to have grace, apologize and encourage one another. A time to give people a little bit of latitude. 

Because all of our lives have drastically changed, think about what kids, friends or loved ones will say 20 years from now.

Will your children remember the e-learning class that just didn’t seem to work out?

No, they will remember the time spent with one another.

The memories you make by going for walks, playing games, and those activities that kept you busy during this troubling time. 

Focus on your family and friends. Connect!

Schedule family meetings once a week. Discuss your frustrations or make time for just you and your spouse/loved one/friend to connect.

Set a goal of not talking about the coronavirus for just an hour.

Check on those you care about or have concerns for. It is so important to connect with one another right now. 

Social media - yes, it is a good way to get information but there is also a big downside to it. Limit the negativity. I suggest you greatly reduce or eliminate your time on social media sites and the news.

Staying informed is important but set a limit.

My husband and I will watch the national news in the evening for a half hour and then go on with our lives.

After we take all of that in, we go for a walk to get some fresh air. 

Don’t focus on the negative.

Less than 1% of men and women choose to sign up and defend this great country. 

That makes us special.

There is something about a military member that stands out. 

I call it a light. There is a bright light that shines within each of you.

When I decided to stay in the military, I knew that I had to focus on serving others.

That is what I believe we are called to do.

We can be that light for others.

When fear, grief and burdens seem so overwhelming, show them we will get through this.

We are strong!

We don’t fail and we won’t this time.

Stay strong even when it seems like everything is falling apart around you, it is one step at a time. 

I want to leave you with one word -- hope. 

Never give up, don’t lose the faith, and have hope.

I look forward to seeing you all again very soon. What a joyful time that will be!

Take care of yourselves, and each other.