News Search

  • Best Combat Crew Communications Team in Air Force Reserve at Grissom

    The Air Force Reserve Command recently recognized the 434th Operations Support Squadron Combat Crew Communications for outstanding performance in 2022 and Master Sgt. William Ellison, 434th OSS Combat Crew Communications Training Senior Non-commissioned Officer, took the title of 2022 Combat Crew

  • Colonel Wiltse retires after 34 years of service

    Personnel from Grissom lined the hallway of Bldg. 596 as Col. Gretchen Wiltse departed her office one final time closing out a 34-year career, Dec. 21, 2023.She was first introduced to the idea of attending the United States Air Force Academy as a third grader, and graduated from it in 1989.Her

  • Over 70 feet of tanker skin removed in riveting repair

    During November, the 434th Maintenance Squadron’s aircraft structural maintenance shop spent over 1,000 man hours repairing corrosion on the leading edge of a KC-135R Stratotanker’s wings.The project required approximately 12,000 rivets and over 70 feet of aircraft skin to be removed – the most

  • Grissom fuels holiday cheer

    Capt. Santa Claus, pilot for the Valuable Items X-Mas Express Navigation Squadron (VIXEN), waves goodbye before returning home to the North Pole in his sleigh, a KC-135R Stratotanker, after the children’s Christmas party at Grissom Air Reserve Base, Ind. on Dec. 2, 2023. The event welcomed families

  • Saving lives, spreading smiles

    Inspired by the transformative impact of a gifted weekend vacation for his family during the final weeks of his mother's battle with multiple myeloma, Taylor founded Physicians for Wishes, an organization aimed at granting wishes to individuals with critical illness, in June 2023.

  • You want Katrina White in your corner

    White, a financial operations supervisor with the 434th Operations Support Squadron, is a kickboxer, and dedicated to fitness for herself and others. During the October unit training assembly White held a kickboxing class, and with each jab, kick and uppercut, she demonstrated, and shared, her

  • 434th Aerospace Medicine Squadron Gets New Commander

    The 434th Aerospace Medicine Squadron welcomed their new commander during an assumption of command ceremony here, October 15, 2023. Lt. Col. Jennifer Fong assumed the command. Fong is a Reserve dental officer who previously served with the 926th Aerospace Medicine Squadron, Nellis Air Force Base,

Public Affairs Staff

Material contained on the Official Grissom Air Reserve Base Internet Web Site is written and produced by members of the 434th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office. The award-winning staff includes:

Douglas Hays
Chief, public affairs

Maj. Elias Zani
Public affairs officer

Josh Weaver
Public affairs operations chief

Master Sgt. Josh Weaver
NCOIC of public affairs

Master Sgt. Rachel Barton
Staff writer

Tech. Sgt. Alexa Culbert
Staff writer

Senior Airman Alexis Morris
Staff writer

Senior Airman Elise Faurote
Staff writer