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434th CS welcomes new commander

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Michael Hunsaker
  • 434th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs

An assumption of command ceremony is a tradition that represents the transfer of responsibility and authority of a unit from one leader onto the next.

Lieutenant Colonel Gwendolyn Fulton assumed command of the 434th Communications Squadron during an assumption of command ceremony here at Gus Grissom Hall, Aug. 6, 2022.   

Senior Airman Ronalyn Gonzalez, 434th Communications Squadron client systems apprentice, opened the ceremony with her rendition of the U.S. national anthem.

Col. Gretchen Wiltse, 434th Mission Support Group commander, presided over the ceremony welcoming the new commander, bulleting Fulton’s time in the Air Force.

“It’s been a little while, Colonel O’Neal left us last November and through Covid, and AGR and hiring freezes, and budget crunches, and all sorts of craziness we finally were able to bring on Colonel Fulton,” said Wiltse. “I’m super excited to have her on the team.”

The ceremony continued with the tradition of the passing of the unit’s guidon symbolizing the commander taking the reins of the unit.

Fulton received the flag from Wiltse, officially becoming the commander of the 434th CS.

“I just want to say thank you Colonel Wiltse for affording me the opportunity and the honor to command the Comm Squadron,” said Fulton. “I know I’m going to make mistakes along the way like you said, but I will learn from them so I’m looking forward to the experience.”

The 434th ARW is the largest KC-135R Stratotanker unit in the Air Force Reserve Command. The Citizen Airmen from the Hoosier Wing routinely deploy around the world in support of the Air Force mission.

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Public Affairs Staff

Material contained on the Official Grissom Air Reserve Base Internet Web Site is written and produced by members of the 434th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs Office. The award-winning staff includes:

Douglas Hays
Chief, public affairs

Maj. Elias Zani
Public affairs officer

Josh Weaver
Public affairs operations chief

Master Sgt. Josh Weaver
NCOIC of public affairs

Master Sgt. Rachel Barton
Staff writer

Tech. Sgt. Alexa Culbert
Staff writer

Senior Airman Alexis Morris
Staff writer

Senior Airman Elise Faurote
Staff writer